Welcome to the Broken Hill GP Super Clinic
Established in December 2013, the Broken Hill GP Super Clinic provides multidisciplinary, patient centered care and services, while at the same time supporting and training the healthcare professionals of the future. Our patients can access a wide range of services at one convenient location. This “one stop shop” approach means better communication between your doctor and the other health providers involved in your care. It also means our patients have improved access to pathology and pharmacy services which are co-located within our building.

Our Services
Get to know the Broken Hill GP Super Clinic and all of the services and facilities that are provided under the one roof, all for your convenience.
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Patient Information
Have a look at our patient information section where you will find important information relating to the Broken Hill GP Super Clinic such as in-depth appointment information.
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Make an Appointment
Make a booking for your next appointment all from the comfort of your home by using our online booking system. You can book your next appointment in just a few clicks.
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