Patient Rights & Responsibilities
As a patient of the Broken Hill GP Super Clinic, your rights and responsibilities include the following:
It is your right:
- To a high standard of professional care from competent and appropriately qualified staff.
- To be informed about services that are available through the Broken Hill GP Super Clinic as well as the costs associated with them.
- To bring a friend, relative or support person during consultation and where there are language difficulties.
- To be provided by your doctor with a clear, concise explanation in non-medical terms of your condition, problem or disease.
- To be given a clear explanation of the procedure/treatment including risks, after effects or side effects associated with the procedure or treatment.
- To give your informed consent before treatment begins.
- To withdraw your consent and refuse treatment at any time.
- To be fully involved in decisions about your care and be given the opportunity to ask questions.
- To seek a second opinion. We will endeavor to meet such requests whenever possible, although in some emergency situations this may not be feasible.
- Confidentiality of communications and records pertaining to your health care.
- To be treated in surroundings that allows privacy.
- To be treated with respect, care, consideration and dignity regardless of race, creed, sex, religion or nationality.
- To have access to the Broken Hill GP Super Clinic’s Compliments, Comments & Complaints process
- To gain access to your medical record under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act
It is your responsibility:
- It is your responsibility to keep personal information up to date at all times (phone, address, next of kin, emergency contact).
- To pay your doctor’s fees and the clinic’s charges as billed.
- To be sure to keep appointments, or inform the relevant staff if you are unable to attend.
- To conduct yourself in an appropriate way and respect the well-being and rights of other patients and staff.
- To treat all workers employed by the Broken Hill GP Super Clinic with respect and courtesy regardless of their cultural and ethnic background.
- To provide accurate and complete information about any conditions, past illness, allergies and medications as outlined in our health questionnaire.
- To answer questions about your health frankly and honestly and to discuss and make decisions with your doctor regarding any problems which you feel may be affecting your health or medical condition.
- To inform the doctor involved in your care if you are currently in consultation with, or under treatment from, another health professional or receiving alternative medicine/therapy in connection with the same condition.
- To query any issues you don’t understand with the doctor before you consent to any procedure/treatment.
- To accept the consequences of your own informed decisions about your treatment and planning.
- To comply with prescribed treatment, or inform the relevant health professionals that you do not intend to do so.